by bram | 25 Oct, 2016 | Press Releases
photo: Bart van Overbeeke Fotografie On October 25th the first version of the Solar Design Challenge took place as part of the Dutch Design Week. The top three designs of this year’s competition were presented in the ‘Mind the Step’ theatre. The Solar...
by bram | 9 Oct, 2016 | Events
This challenge is aimed at designers with good ideas about the functional integration of solar cells in all kind of final products. These products can for example be components for the buildings and infrastructure of the future, for transport means and other wireless...
by bram | 9 Oct, 2016 | Evenementen, Nieuwsberichten
De Solar Design Challenge is gericht op ontwerpers met goede ideeën over de functionele integratie van zonnecellen in allerlei eindproducten. Deze producten zijn bijvoorbeeld onderdelen voor de gebouwen en de infrastructuur van de toekomst, vervoermiddelen en andere...